All Categories - Afro Diaspora Center Ireland

March 31, 2023 · Education History
Susuana Olatunji Komolafe an educator leading the introduction of African Studies into...
March 19, 2023
Our women's summit is a conference and gathering that focuses on issues that are of particular...
March 19, 2023
To all that participate in our 1st Africa Caribbean Migrant Women in Diaspora Summit which took...
Since 2013, we at adcenter have participate in the celebration of International Women Day as part...
Past Journey of the "Writers Workshop" Have you registered for our next 60minute Masterclass on...
Lookout from 1st Nov- 30th Nov the "Africa History Month Ireland 2021 will kickstart" Inbox to...
IRELAND is the first Country to officially in the world celebrate an annual Africa History Month...
Greetings to you, On behalf of our CEO, we like to invite you to join us on our virtual...
As a woman I have come to the realization of the importance of playing my role within the society...
African and Irish My name is Rebecca Kamai. I am Yoruba married to Hausa man. I’ve been living in...
If you are seeking a knowledge in African Studies, you'll find there is a large range of...
Susuana Olatunji Komolage called for "More Diversity; Inclusion; Representation" The Shared...
The Universe witness an unprecedented change, movement and a mindset, Ireland also need to lead...
Supporting African Caribbean Irish Business AfricanCaribbean Businesses Matter Early Nigerian...
June 2, 2020
Hello Friends & Fan, Adcenter present to you "Health Promotional Project for Men" men within the...
June 2, 2020
I don't choose to be a Nigerian, an African or SOM Olatunji Komolafe, I just got lucky! ©...
Today is 1st November and since 2010 here in Ireland, I came up with a project initiative, to...
Afro in Diaspora is a group of women committed to supporting women, men and children of the...
Business Breakfast Boss Bounding As a highly skilled Teacher, Consultant, and Educator. I am...
Political Conscious How the journey began, misery but hoping to be interesting and educative,...
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