Meet the Facilitator and Training Coordinator for the Roadshow Writing to Publish Workshop
Livingstone Thompson PHD
Dr Livingstone Thompson is a theologian and religion specialist with many years experience in tertiary education, the ecumenical movement and non-governmental organizations. He supervises postgraduate research in All Hallows College/Dublin City University and teaches courses on Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism at St Patrick’s College, Drumdondra. Livingstone is a consultant and cultural awareness trainer, and managing director for the training agency Living Cultural Solutions. He previously manage an 18-months Peace III project in the border counties in Ireland. Livingstone has a PhD in religious pluralism and an MPhil in Ecumenics from the University of Dublin, Trinity College. He has is first degrees from McCormick Theological Seminary, USA and the University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica. He his an author with major publications including several articles and the books, A Protestant Theology of Religious Pluralism, Peter Lang, 2009 and A Formula for Conversation: Christians and Muslims in Dialogue, UPA, 2007, with is latest book Speaking from the Heart. He is a member of the Board of Human Resource Excellence, a member of the Irish Theological Association and the Irish Institute of Training and Development (IITD). He represents SIETAR Ireland and is current president of SIETAR Europa. He is also a member of the advisory board of directors for the Afro in Diaspora Center and with all this experience, he is the best candidate for the workshop.He is presently a visiting Senior Lecturer at London Academy of Diplomacy.
Susuana.O.M Olatunji Komolafe
Susuana is a Freelance Consultant, the CEO of Adcenter, Workshop Coordinator and the Co Facilitator for the workshop. She is a qualified educationist and a qualified trainer, with master's in Business Administration and have undergo various training in different fields. As a woman with various experiences, this will help her in delivering the workshop to the best of her ability, With her various qualification and experience in administrative roles and coordinating community projects, developing initiative and integration over 20 years experience gained both in management capacity, Information Technology, teaching and Community work.

Series of Writing to Publish Workshop Drogheda
1st July - 29th July 2015
We want to invite you to participate in this writing series workshop for 5 weeks of 1 day in a week and 3 hrs each evening. The workshop comes with €20 registration fees for all participant to guarantee a place "Non Refundable". This is a great opportunity and a chance at the end to Join in Publishing "A Book"
Date: Wednesday 1st July, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th
Time: 7pm –10 pm
Venue: Cyril & Co. Solicitors, Unit 4 Drogheda Business Development Centre, Donore Road Industrial Estate, Drogheda, Co. Louth.
Note: Pass on to anyone you believe it will be of interest.
If you are an African author, kindly make contact with the Committee of African History Month Ireland to participate in the "African Author Day" during the month of November in celebrating African presence here in Ireland and contribution to art and creativity.
Contact for Registration:
This workshop is open to everyone beginner's and matured writers, Its for people that want to write, or experiment with writing or developing the skills of writing. You can develop the skills and write about your personal story, so give it a chance , register with us today and share with friends.
We want to invite you to participate in this writing series workshop for 5 weeks of 1 day in a week and 3 hrs each evening. The workshop comes with €20 registration fees for all participant to guarantee a place "Non Refundable". This is a great opportunity and a chance at the end to Join in Publishing "A Book" , we are starting 27th May in Kells Town and you can ask friends to register for Drogheda Town.
Writing To Publish Workshop will share practical yet applicable tips on how to get that idea from
your head, in your jotter to a bookshelf. It will be a captivating 5 weeks of pleasurable evening with our facilitator, It's a "He" one that will make you see an author in You born with an opportunity to Publish.
What if you just need a bit of help for a creative writing, support network. The Writing To Publish Workshop will take you a step forward to your dream of becoming a published author. We are inviting you today to participate in this series of writing workshop.
Who the course is for & aimed at: This could be suitable for people who work, unemployed, stay home mothers and fathers, retired, brave and the not-brave, beginner’s and matured OR someone that may just have an author in them.
This is a great opportunity and a chance at the end to Join in Publishing
"A Book".
Date: Wednesday 27th May, 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th.Time: 7pm –10 pm.Venue: The Alpha Learning Centre, LMETB Office, Bective Street, Kells Town, Co.MeathOpposite Esso Petro Station
Note: Pass on to anyone you believe it will be of interest.
If you are an African author, kindly make contact with the Committee of African History Month Ireland to participate in the "African Author Day" during the month of November in celebrating African presence here in Ireland and contribution to art and creativity.
5 Week Series of Writing to Publish Workshop with Dr Livingstone Thompson
To become a successful writer you must read widely, get to know about successful authors, start with yourself and then get writing. Participants in this five-weeks course with Dr Livingstone Thompson will be given an opportunity to do all! Along with your own starting works-in-progress, we'll look at examples of successful writing, focusing on areas such as: how and where to start; creating your own voice; character building; handling narrative structure; and building tension. Be prepared to discuss the work of others; it's the best way to become your own most important critic and start-up!
Dr Livingstone Thompson as just published is most recent new book "Speaking from the Heart" this is a very interesting book that I believe everyone should read by either buying the book or download. The Book cost €14.90 and to download cost €3.13.
When you speak from your heart you don't need anything impressive and just reading a glimpse of the book touch my heart in a beautiful way, that gives me a reason for wanting more.
He also shares extensively from his heart in the Introduction about his early years and a few issues close to his heart! For those of us that knows him that's a rare moment!!!!! So see below a link to getting a copy of his book! This is to advise that in case you're buying the book, "Speaking from the Heart" published by Balboa Press. While the book is also available on Amazon, it is more advantageous to the author that you get your copy from the publisher. I have attach the link, friends get a copy the book worth it.…/Speaking-from-the-Heart.…
The Series of writing to publish workshop will help with information on "Self Publishing" We will offer a range of cost-effective self publishing services to help you turn your manuscript into a finished book. We will link you with well establish authors on an individual basis at a "Reduce Cost", so you don’t have to pay for anything you do not require.
The following are just some of the services that participating in the workshop will offer; -Proofreading - Editing-Cover design - eBook formatting and upload -Artwork and illustration services - Design of marketing & promotional material -Press releases -Website design, maintenance and hosting - Printing
If you are an African author, kindly make contact with the Committee of African History Month Ireland to participate in the "African Author Day" during the month of November in celebrating African presence here in Ireland and contribution to art and creativity.
Yours Sincerely,
Susuana O.M Komolafe Workshop Coordinator & Co Facilitator
Afro in Diaspora Center /
If you’d like further information email us at with the your details to register on the workshop for €20. Thanks