Me, Blackness and Africanism

The story of our Africa History Month Ireland Began

Today is 1st November and since 2010 here in Ireland, I came up with a project initiative, to express a movement of profiling projecting positive image of Africans Caribbeans living in Ireland with recognition of their impact globally, called "Africa History Month Ireland"
Coming to Ireland really changed so much about me, I recognized difference and challenges bestowed on us by the world coming from the Akubaland, ( Land of the Dark)

I was born to my mother and father, both are Yorubas, from the then old Oyo state now known as Osun, the then Yoruba Kingdom now known as Nigeria after the Algamation took placed during colonisation.

I was born a girl biologically and still remain a girl. My skin was brownish dark, just like that of my both parents. I never see myself as either black or Blackness. I clearly know that my skin complexion is brownies dark but it makes no difference because my mother remind me each day of how beautiful ❤️ I am.

I want into the world knowing that I am beautiful, I express it among everyone, I express it within myself and confident about how beautiful I am because it was rooted in me by my mother each moment.

"Now, becoming older, living in the Western world, seeing more of the world I live, I have to find and create a balance between being an African and Blackness"  Susuana.O.M Olatunji Komolafe ©

I am a beauty and the world can't tell me difference of how to see me or define my beauty because it is beyond my look.

So today, I employed you all through the month to celebrate with me this universal Initiative movement, first of it's kind and a National Global Month; Africa History Month Ireland in November

Profiling Projecting Positve Image of African Caribbean in Diaspora