Time with Wise Men

@Adcenter: #MenInitiatives

Hello Friends & Fan, Adcenter present to you "Health Promotional Project for Men" men within the African Caribbean Migrant Irish community through our initiative Susuana Roadshow Workshop called "Time with Wise Men" this workshop initiative allow us to bring men from our background, the migrant community and host community all together in a conversational dialogue to educate in all area of their health with focus on Sexual & Men's Health Issues affecting us daily. Our 1st "Text Run" was on the 29th April 2016 was a huge success, with support from participants, board and advisory boards, friends, collaborator and our sponsors which include all above and synergy International. Our next event was the 17th of June, 2016@ Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport. "We are working on a project to save a million lives ! together we are on a mission to combat the biggest killer on the planet Heart Disease " Support us in promoting good health and raising some money for the work of Adcenter today. Call us today to be part of this tremendous journey with us.

We need 100 people to volunteer to take our survey, be generous to click and it only takes two minutes. We are focus on all things important to men: health, fitness, style, sex, and more.

I believe that his words will be strength for the men that were at the workshop to build strong personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and their sexual life as a Christian in their homes and relationships; He Talks, “About the important of friendship in a relationship and among couples which will strength their sexual intimacy ”.

Profiling Projecting Positve Image of African Caribbean in Diaspora adcenter25@yahoo.ie